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Devotional - Matthew 5:9

Some days our LEO's are full of cheer and ready to take on their shift. Other days...they are less than enthused. With all the cop hate that has been going around, this verse has been helping me remember why what our spouses do is such important work - "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God" (Matthew 5:9, NIV). In Greek, "blessed" refers to "happy," meaning a blessed person will have joy and contentment. "Peacemaker" refers to someone who makes or works towards peace; which our LEO's do every day. Living life as a peacemaker demonstrates the life Jesus led - He always offered peace to His followers. Jesus said the peacemakers will be blessed and be called the children of God, which means they have the honor of being identified as children of the "God of peace."

Every day our LEO's head off to work not knowing what the day might bring. Sometimes the calls are extremely tough - but we need people in this world that will work towards bringing peace between our nations, our towns/cities, even to broken relationships. Our LEO's have the chance to offer peace every day and keep things

in order, and they will find joy in the experience of seeing people reconcile to one another (lost kids reuninting with families, a domestic violence offender who sought help, etc.) and to God.

When my husband graduated from the police academy, I got him one of those little gadgets that has like, 8 tools in 1, and wrote Matthew 5:9 on one side and his name on the other so that he could be reminded that the work he does is meaningful and that he will be blessed for it. I know I have become discouraged by some of the cop hate that has been occuring, because I am protective of my husband, and I can imagine it's even worse for our LEO's to see the news and hear the complaints about officers. It seems to me that our LEO's need to be reminded that they will be blessed and be called the children of God because they strive to make peace - maybe this will give them some encouragement as they head off to their shift toaay. When our LEO's come home from a tough shift, a simple word of affirmation could give them the strength to keep going.

What are some ways the rest of you encourage and affirm your LEO?

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