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"An anxious heart weighs a man down." - Proverbs 12:25

I have touched on fear and the LEO Wife, but now I feel I should talk about worry. Did you know that the New Testament mentions 25 times that we should avoid worrying? When we worry, we take our eyes off of Jesus and put them on our situation. As law enforcement wives, we face real concerns every day - will my husband come home? Will he be involved in a bad situation? What will his eyes see today? Rather than worrying about these events that might happen, we need to take our legitimate concerns to Jesus - this allows us to draw closer to Him rather than pull away from Him and stay stuck in our worries.

Paul wrote in Philippians that we are to be anxious about nothing, be prayerful about everything and be thankful for all things. So as LEO wives, when we start to feel our worries take over, we should pray! Pray that God blesses our spouses as they head off to their shifts, that He protects them, etc., and then be thankful when they arrive home.

I challenge you today to do what 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to do, and that is to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." Think about where your worries are coming from, hand them over to God, draw closer to Him, be thankful, and your life will feel lighter and fuller!

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